well let me start off telling you all that if you dont know i am on a 5 month DTS in New Zealand living on a ship called the pacific link and then i shall go to the solomon islands for a month and then return for my last two weeks on a PR tour to the south island with all my classmates and staff. speaking of them, there are 15 students and 5 staffers. over all we represent 10 countries. USA, denmark, sweden, new zealand, columbia, canada, germany, switzerland, england and the Philippines. cool eh? the ship i am living on is small but amazing, it has a crew too. they are all amazing and hilarious. if you want to see pictures you can visit my myspace or facebook. you can only see them if you are my friend and that is okay with me because if you are reading my blog you should know me and if not...stop reading creep! ah ha!

well now that we have gotten that out of the way i can start with the exciting stuff. well yesterday me and a few of my new loves went to the tallest point on the northern island and took a lift to the mountain. it was so beautiful and actually not cold. it is never cold here when the sun it out, this is due to the fact that there is a hole in the ozone layer right over new zealand. well yeah it was amazing. the pictures so not do it justice. after that day we had church this morning. the church is so cute and have set up this project that a family from that church is going to adopt one of us. we will chill with them they will cook us dinner and write to us. i hope i get a family with kids so that i can chill with them and have more pen pals when i return home.
okay amazing fact: females around the world all love the new pride and prejudice movie as much as me. seriously almost all the girls here are obsessed with it and this week on thursday we watched it. i mean we are so obsessed with the movie and mr. darcy that we wrote a song about it and play it often. it is quiet amazing. anna my danish love plays guitar and does back up vocals to me and heike wispers mr. darcy's name through the chorus. we will have to film it. and i have finally decided to start reading the book. i baught a copy for 10 nzdollars and love it so far. after i read it i am going to read emma. oh jane austen how i love you!!! well i have to do my journal and other things such as letters. please write to me! i would love to get pictures and little gifts that remind me of you!
love from me in nz