also on part of their land there is a waterfall ans swimming hole. it was freezing but it was totally the dive in. you cant really see me in the picture, i am in the back pretty much in the waterfall.

so that was amazing and on Saturday i watched a movie that changed my life, it is called once and the music is amazing. it was so beautiful and the story is so refreshing! you have to look it up. i think that eden alex and emma would appreciate it. i have all the music so when i come home you may steal it from me. im serious this movie changed my life. i watched in and i felt all the songs in my soul. i know that sounds lame but it is true, it really touched me. alot of the songs i can really relate to.
also we had two car washes and the one that i worked at we made 700 dollars!!! isn't that great. amazing. so keep praying a supporting us. we are trying things from car washes busking. oh busking is their name for street performing. speaking of busking me and my danish love anna and davs went today for an hour and made 17 dollars. yeah 17 dollars an hour, not to shabby. i love singing with her. i think that we sound perfect together. random statement. i guess i have really cool eyes. i have had many people comment on how amazing they are from guys to girls friends and family. i just don't see what the fuss is about. they look normal to me...that may be because they are the only eyes i see when i look into the mirror. let me know if all these people are odd....
we have a new speaker and he is talking about our calling. he has an amazing story on how god called him to go to Afghanistan for 5 years when he was only 18. ahhhh im 18! he is such an inspiration and his wife is adorable. they met there but she if from California. i cant wait to see if i can get my calling from god through this week. wouldn't that be sweet! omg we sail to the great barrier island in two weeks and outreach in three!!! and next week's study is drama. cant wait.
ps mom i saw the pictures of cinder she is the cutest thing ever. i still need to meet roe..well see her.
love from me in nz.
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