because we are getting ready for outreach i haven't had that much time to blog. i have been so busy getting everything i need to pack when we leave. skyping everyone back home because oh yeah i will not have Internet for the next three weeks!!! i know how sad. but it will be okay i promise. sadly i will not be bringing graham so i will have to find Internet cafes if i want to maybe get on. i will most likely only go a few times just to check in if i have the opportunity and what it costs. i am a poor child! so yeah on that note i would just like to point out that i am leaving for outreach/Solomon islands in, lets see...two days!!!!!!!!! i cant believe this. half of our school left yesterday. they are in Samoa. and it is really funny because Samoa you have to cross the date line so they lived Friday twice. weird eh. it is like when i call home and they are like it is Saturday there. you would think that because i have been here for three months now that this fact would not blow their minds so much and that they would get the time difference. i mean i called Eden today and she didn't know what time it was there and i did. in her defence i have nifty clock on graham's desktop that has the time at home so that i never call home at like three in the morning. i do what i can. i have called so many people this week. i have skyped with jace everyday. we even watched the hills together the other day. oh the Internet. and i have called Eden everyday while she was getting here hair done for the play so i can keep her company. it is the greatest time to call because all my Friends are there. all my Friends so plays so how amazing is that all my friends are all together in the same room getting there make-up done. wow that was a weird sentence. but i also get to talk to my favorite teachers. i love Witt dawg!!!!!! and i got to talk to papa T. that man is amazing and mama T works with my brother. yeah Dallas is a cop. can you say end of sneaking around, breaking the law, or dating anyone. lol jk Dallas is a gentle giant unless you piss him off. that also goes with all the men in our house. i miss my Cole boys!! Dallas with baby, Seth with work and Idaho soon and daddy in Alaska. weird my dad is in Alaska. but cool too. he actually has a blog too. he got me started. he is not just any og, he is an og with a blog...and a palm! yeah my dad is cooler than your dad, yeah i said it. well unless your dad is.....Santa but i don't thing Santa ever had kids...unless Santa really is Tim Allen. okay moving on....
so yeah leaving soon. we are all getting ready. we are going to be doing a construction project in the Solomons so we have to raise 1000 dollars before we leave because oh yeah didn't mention, THAT WE RAISED ALL THE MONEY FOR OUR FLIGHTS!! ALL 16800 OF IT BABY! pretty exciting so we are getting more money. we had a car wash today and made about 400 dollars. not bad, not bad. we are not sure how the rest of the money is going to get in the account but we know that God will provide. please join with us in prayer about that. we leave midnight on Monday so well Tuesday if you want to be all technical. we have a flights at 6 am and we fly to Australia. we have three hour lay over and then off the Solomons. luckily we don't loose a day just one hour ahead i believe so then only three hours being USA. since the other team has left it is really quiet on the ship and my side of the room where we sleep i am the only one and it kinda scares me. it is really sad i really do miss them. just keep telling myself i will see them in three weeks and then road trip. oh yeah heads up i will not bring graham on that tour either. just on more thing to carry get lost, stolen or broken. hopefully we will go bungee jumping there because bungee jumping was invented on the south island of nz. wont that be amazing. i better go to bed now i am really tired from washing all those cars. but here are some pictures of all of us in our team shirts:

also while we were washing cars i fell in love....with a car we washed. i seriously couldn't work i just stared at it. it is perfect and i want one! it is amazing and my favorite color. what do you think?

well I'm out now. get ahold of me asap before you know it i will be gone. to Eden and jacy. beware we have a date!!! love and miss you all.
love from me in nz
wow, there was a lot of typos in that last comment. pardon them please.
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