on to the daily life of me. i got up at 8 15 and had class as 830. i wasnt even late. dont ask me how i do it. all my fellow classmates are impressed, i think it is because i have had so much preactice getting up 15 minutes before mainstreet starts and still making it on time [sometimes]. good times. i going to miss high school but more about that later. after class i was so tired that i went to sleep again and even slept through lunch. i heard that we had nasty tomatoe rice and such so i was no that sad that i missed it. so there i was sleeping in my bunk when a loud fire drill goes off. so i get and am about to go to the top deck where we are to meet in a real drill and then i hear jeremy [the captain] that this is a drill not real. so i go back to bed. i awake again in a few minutes to find two of the deck hands in full fire safety suits with a fire hose. so im freaking out half asleep. i finally come to my sences and see that it is fake because 1. im still alive 2. i dont see any flames. so im okay. then i hear them going through the steps. they call "ANY VICTIMS?" and i hear, "YES, FOUR." that means me and three others girls who were sleeping at the time. then they say "TOO MANY IT IS A LOST CAUSE!" great i am a lost cause and if that was a real fire i would be dead. that is just a happy thought to have when you wake up. so im dead ps.
after dying i got up to play more guitar have a creative worship meeting and eat dinner. dinner was superb. chicken stuffing and potatoes! it was fun eating it but cleaning up after it=no fun at all. it is fun for the first hour that you are rocking out to the ipod and washing dishes but as the minutes and hours go by you want to drown yourself in the dirty food water. I HATE SILVERWARE! done. i cant wait to have a different duty! perhaps house keeping, i would not mind polishing brass...
after dinner and clean up i turned on my computer [Graham, yes alex i named my computer] and got on myspace. i love getting messages from home! omg i cant believe that high school starts tomorrow and im not there. this is the time where i tell you all the things that i miss about high school without missing high school:
2.dancing and singing to the pep band
4.the play
5.driving people home and to school
6.leaving class to go to roth's or B&T
8.the fourth year of focus groups
9.witt. period.
11.spirit weeks
12.random matching days
14. lunch in the choir room
15.two dollar rice which is now 2.50 dollar rice :[
17.being a senior
18.dressing jazzy for band concerts
19.leadership class
and of course
20. alex, sarah, eden, helena and all the rest of my underclassmen loves!!!!
i think i shall end this pretty soon me and heather are going to watch veggie tales on graham when i am finished. it is one that i have never seen so i am quiet excited. i am also excited for this weekend i think that all of us are going to go to cathedral cove. if you dont know what that is and have seen the chronicles of narnia: price caspian, it is the place where the kids first are at when they return to Narnia at the beginning of the movie. if you have not seen the movie here is a picture:
from outside the cove

inside the cove

well the veggies and heather are calling my name! i love you all and miss you dreadfully
love from me in nz
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