so today i actually got up at a good hour showered and practiced worship. oh yeah you guys dont know i am part of a worship team here. it is me heather and lane. we call ourselves team delta...i dont know why and everytime i think about it i think of math! thanks jennings. random statement: so you know that it is winter here due to the fact that i am in the southern hem. well because it is winter i have to listen to christmas music. it is like christmas in july or when i was little i would listen to the same christmas cd over and over. that would not be so bad but my room back then was located at the end of a very long hall way and the computer that we played the cd on was at the other end so to make me sleep the whole family had to listen to Manhattan Transfer all year long. i can very get sick of that cd or any christmas songs for that matter and i still listen to the cd. at the moment i am listening to happy christmas (volume 4) it is quite enjoyable.
lunch was pumpkin chicken veggie soup. it was really good but at the same time i felt a little guilty because the night before i had watched veggie tales. did i just eat the entire veggie ministry? i hope not, but if they dont put out a new movie you know why. after lunch we had some free time that i wasted trying to play guitar until i became frustrated and so went out on the town with hayley [my small group leader]. we bought stamps so now i can send you guys snail mail. so send me mail so i can have you addresses. we had to be back at three thirty because we had to attend a medical elective. it is not really an elective because we have to attend it so i have dubbed it a workshop. we learned in the workshop about the ship and what it brings when it does medical outreaches. the specialize in dental medical and eyes surgery. we heard some amazing stories. i cant wait to make my own stories on my outreach in the solomon islands. about the solomon islands, i guess that is it kinds expensive to fly there so i will have to fundraise again and most likely ask for support from home so please be aware! love you all.
for dinner we had Kebabs. they where delicious! havs is becomeing quiet a little cook in that little galley. i must have had 50! jk like 6...7...
dinner was not the end of my day, we had our first outreach meeting! i was really excited to hear more about this since it has all been a big surprise to us students so most of the details are hush hush. what we did find out is that we are going to sail to the great barrier island before we go on outreach. the ship is coming and i cant wait. it will be almost summer by then so it shall be gorgeous!

picture for you visual folks.
then we fly to our team islands. yeah ARAWA!!! then we meet up and do the south island tour. so yeah a crazy day and here i am at the end of it. personaly i really like blogging. i dont know if you enjoy reading it but i enjoy writing it. i like it beceause i can do it everyday for the rest of my life, well unless the internet crashes randomly...hope that doesnt happen! time for bed, well stay up a little longer and then try to sleep but end up reading pride and prejudice and listening to my ipod into the wee hours of the morning. one more thing i promise, if you are form home then this will amaze you. so you all know how i yell at stupid boys and there fat heads because they put on my glasses and stretch them out, well i have been trying to fix them and nothing has worked. so there i was sitting the the kitches on graham and i get up to fill my green plastic cup with water and i step on something and hear what sounds like a crack. i look down and realize that i had just stepped on my beautiful valentino glasses. gosh why does this happen to me, i loose them find them and break them all in the same week! so all discouraged i pick them up thinking to find the frame broken or a lens cracked. to my amazement they where not broken but when i put them on they were just right for my face again, not stretched out!!! ah ha good times. to correct myself they were broken, then lost, then found, then fixed. just my own little verse of amazing grace right there.
okay getting off!!
love from me in nz
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