after church we all went home to their house and had lunch with the family. jack didn't go to church because he was out late the last night at a party, he totally is me! i am the sleeping kid! i woke up at ten today and all my class mates were teasing me and were like what time is it shouldn't you be asleep for another 7 hours..... ha ha very funny guys, but so true.
after lunch Claire and sally left and me and jack just hung out. we talked about this and that. about the differences in the words we say school and food from new Zealand and the states. apparently they don't have squirrels in New Zealand. weird eh. we also played JANGA!!! "elbows up and side to side!!!!" good times BYOG!!! ps i won both games. after janga i listened to jack play the sax and tried to figure out a rubix cube!! it is totally but then jack did it in like two minutes. it is so funny all the people i meet here remind me of people back home. it helps with the whole homesick thing though. well i haven't met anyone that is like Eden...she is everything at once and is so like me. so in other words i haven't met someone just like me! i have met people with similar qualities and quirks such as snapping their fingers as they walk and randomly hiccup!
then at 5 jack dropped me off back at ship sweet ship in time for BBQ chicken and fruit salad! oh how delicious. i think that i shall spend the rest of my night finishing my journal and reading my love Jane Austin. i want to me a Mr. Darcy. he is amazing. i swear if i meet a guy with the last name Darcy i would seriously consider marrying him because of his last name...i a loser i know.
well i hope that you all had a great weekend!! Eden watch out i may call you tomorrow!!!
love from me in nz.
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