then lectures started after we had moring tea and i had my usual kiwi! kiwis are so delicious. i could eat a million a day. but i shall not because that would destroy my mouth. i eat like three and my whole mouth goes numb. i dont know why but it hurts... i am eating one right now! anyway back to lectures, david just finished his shpeel on faith and the second half of lessons have us all a word from god. davs wrote most of it down so when i have a copy i will tell you all about it. but let me say he was right on! yeah extra god points today. he has spoken to me so much in the past two weeks and i love it. oh god what would i do without you, hell! what an easy question to answer. i love how faith is so easy and that the whole gospel is so easy. i mean it is pretty much laid out so that a child could understand it. i dont get people who think christianity is to complicated. if you feel like that please tell me because i would love to talk to you about it. that is another thing that god has given me over these six weeks, the courage to step out and talk about my faith. he was supplied me with so many good points and ways of explaining it that i have always wanted!
after lectures me and kristin went to the mount beach. it was so beautiful. we went into the ocean, sun bathed, and talked about the day. i think i got a little sun so that is a plus. i have to get my tan up before i hit the beaches of the solomon island. i cant wait to feel warm ocean water. that has been one of my dreams. when i get there i will jump in it. it will be like i was one of those kids who grew up in the middle of the country and have never been in the ocean but better! i will get my fair share of warm waves with the solomon islands and then hawaii when i return home. after a few hours we had to walk back. it was such a long walk and i was in flip flops. that=not a good combo. my feet hurt so bad and i was extremely tired. i came home and crashed in my coffin of a bunk that i love so dearly. i slept through dinner. jerk chicken that i help havs make the day before. they were amazing. i ate a few while in the galley waiting for jose to finish washing dishes so that i could rinse them! i love listening to music in the galley, it seems if it is good music that people flock in there and keep you company. it always happens when we use mine! yeah i have good music. one crew member says that i have the best ipod in the world!
pause, juice break!!! i forgot i bought a big thing of delicous juice the other day!
so refreshing!
well after galley work i got on the internet and just realized that i had comments on my blog from my dad mom and the gradparents. it was so exciting to read them! i miss them so much and i cant wait to come home and tell them all about what i have experienced and learned. well i also got on myspace, facebook and my msn. and i had to write like five really long emails. you have no idea how long that takes and it really takes it out of you. but with me i always do it. some people here are like "im too tired to write back, ill do it later" and forget. i try and always keep in contact. well the emials were good today nothing that made me melancholy. alot of them actually made me happy. i am excited for tomorrow because i am going to call all my besties from my phone card and on sunday call the parentals.
well i cant really think of anything else to say but i love and miss you all. i think i am going to go and watch either veggie tales or stranger than fiction. i dont really have a picture from my camera of the beach today so i will just give you this one. lame google image but yeah, sorry

love from me in nz
1 comment:
Your mom told me about your blog and I'm so happy! I have been praying for you and wondering hoe its going and now I can see that you seem to be doing great! I wanted to let you know that Den and I are praying for you and thrilled that you are having this experience. Isn't it amazing to discover the international body of Christ ? I have always found that fellowship a thrill!
We love you.
Den and Janet
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