omg [oh my gosh, for dad!!!] this has been a crazy week!!! so much has happened! well shall we begin. Wednesday was really nothing to say...normal day in lectures and after, but Thursday is when the real party started....literally. Thursday was Kristin's 19th birthday!!!!
well it was a normal morning...well besides the fact that i got up at 430 am and climbed a mount!! i know me. i am the one in the class that sleeps till 825 when we have class at 830. what can i say i am amazing, i have had so much practice doing this because of mainstreet [as witt dawg]. ahhhh mainstreet. so yeah got up at climbed this

i know that it doesn't look that big but it is quiet a trek! but it was totally worth with because when you get to the top it is beautiful. i mean it was beautiful on the way up too

but the very top was the most amazing thing i have seen since i have been here. and most likely the top ten greatest sights i have ever seen in my whole life.

once we reached the top we had aka we are the breakfast club! yeah boy. such a good movie!!! so we walked down and went to lectures. so tired and almost fell sleep. morning tea was cupcakes though! i love cupcakes. lectures finally ended and free time!!!! yeah boy! so we decided to go out to dinner. the birthday girl chose Turkish. so we went to Turkish to go and had kebabs!

the whole time i was eating it i had flight of the conchords stuck in my head...the most beautiful girl in the room. look it up if you don't know it. it is totally worth a listen. dinner was finished so we walked back to the ship for small groups. out small group was joined with another and we all ate chocolate fondue and watched veggie tales. half of the girls have never seen it, like any of them. i guess the veggie ministry does not spread child evangelism to Europe. Kristin had seen it when she lived in Sudan. she loves them and had never seen the veggie movie Jonah. so we watched it! she loved it!! i mean her is a visual

finally after watching the veggies, we went to bed. friday was a normal lecture day but in the afternoon we had wedding rehearsal. me anna and skyler sang in jeremey and lori's wedding. we sang great is thy faithfulness. it was such a blessing to them and it was fun too! so we had the rehearsal and then we all went to Zeytin's. this amazing greek/turkish resterant. they had amazing bread and dips and i had lamb. lamb is so good i am so happy that i am having it where there is more sheep than people. yeah that is a true fact for NZ.
saturday!! the big day. we had to come early and practice one more time. the wedding happened and it was so gorgeous. everything was amazing and the song was a great hit. it was so cute to see jeremy and lori holding each other close as we all sang their favorite hyme. they closed their eyes and sang with all their might. it was so lovely.
wedding kiss <3

after ceremony.

overall it has been a great day, and weekend. tomorrow is sunday and i hope i can chill with my family!! i love and miss you all and hope you enjoyed my pictures. i have to clean my noodle time dishes now and go to bed.
love from me in nz.