lol okay well it is my second blog! no way i am actually am going to keep up with it. well i dont know. it is so weird writing this everyday, i wonder if anyone actually reads this. if you do let me know because it would be nice that i am not just writing this for nothing... i wan to know if people at home really miss me and want to know what i am doing here in NZ!
moving on. today is monday even though when i post this it says that it will be sunday, dont know why that is and im too lazy and tech-retarded to look up how to fix it, so if you know how please inform me! thanks. we had a new speaker a real person. he is teaching on faith! oh what an amazing thing! he said something that really hit me today. he was talking about how people say that they dont have any faith! he said that that is a loads of rubbish!!! okay people show faith everyday, in everything that they do. we have faith in the people that make our cars to trust that they made in right so it will not randomly burst into flames while we are sitting at a red light, we have faith that the planes and the pilots that we take to travel the world will not crash and we will get to where we are going safely, pretty much we have faith in everything that we do the moment we wake up and walk out our door. this really hit me because i dont understand if us as humans are taught to have faith in people why cant we just take that faith that we all can understand and exercise everyday and focus it on god. it is not hard to have faith in god and once you have realized that nothing seems impossible. i have heard countless stories these past few weeks about faith and what it has done in the lives of people around the world. it have brought healing, funds, security, love and many more things. this is only one day of his teachings i cant wait to see what the next few days will bring. okay lets get out of my mind and onto what else i did today.
for morning tea we had cucumbers! delicious. i am so happy that havs is cooking. i shared how happy i was that she his here and that i get to help her cook that i made her a prezzie out of the fridge letter magnets! would you like to see it...okay

isnt that just fun! well i thought it was so shut up! after morning tea came lunch it was pizza, homemade=delicious! after lunch i decided that i wanted to play the guitar again. i picked up and played it until dinner [that is why the headline is what it is] if you dont know when you first start playing your fingers arent used to it so if you play for the first time you fingers ache for a while. mine hurt so bad that it is some what painful to type. well to answer your question was i just playing random cords the answer in NO. i actually was learning one of my new favorite songs, it is called louis, louis. it is amazing and it kind of easy to play. good beginners song. it has like 5 main chords and i am really good at four of them so it is pretty much made!
dinner i cant remember what was for dinner...that is really sad. ill ask havs tomorrow and tell you all if you really want to know. after dinner i played my song again along with singing various songs that everyone was playing. there is a total of five guitars on the ship and it seems like at lease one person is playing on in the lounge at any given moment. i sang songs from "hit me baby one more time" to out own song "oh mr. darcy." okay hilarious thing, all the guys here are doing shaveless september, they where going to do no shave november but we will be on outreach then and we dont know if that will be culturally yeah im really excited. one guy even shaved his head...with a gross!
we had a community meeting tonight. all us chillins got to meet the staff at the office and random marine reach supporters. it was really cool. i got to see babes [the cutest little phillapino woman who would be on the other end of my crazy stressed out emails when i first applied to marine reach] and of course patti! patti is the best. she invited us to stay at this amazingly huge house for girls night and we went hot tubing and watch P&P! she used to be a DTS director and went out on outreaches and we say her sing a song about it, it was compiled of eating bugs, sketch vans, and wanna be deck other words it was very entertaining and all true about the outreaches that year. i want to write a song about my outreach too! anna my danish love and partner on the mr. darcy song is on the other outreach team so i think we shall come together at the end and make one! maybe possibly sing it at our graduation on the 12th of december i believe.
well it is getting late so i think i shall go to bed because i have to get up in 7 hours to make breakfast for all. oh cool thing before i go. the captain on the ship is getting married to one of the crew and we all got i nvited to their wedding, but it gets better, me and anna are leading a song that the wedding!!! wow what an honor! they are getting married in 19 days so pray for them, and me. i love and miss you all. really i actually have a rough day the other day when i was listening to my new "home" playlist,that is made up of all the songs that remind me of home, on my ipod and just burst into tears on the top was bad but i recovered! so to say all that i miss you and if you write to me please send me pictures of us so i can decorate my bunk!
love from me in NZ